Thursday, November 8, 2007

So it begins

It seems like these days everybody but me has a blog... Well now I am part of the “haves”. I am not real sure how this will work out, where I will find the time to keep, or where my material will come from but hey my friends all say I like to talk so I figured I would give it a try.

While I was writing this someone asked me where the title came from. Well... my high school English teacher is probably rolling over in his grave the truth is it came from a poem that my Great Grandfather used to recite. It’s my own personal way of saying I will never forget someone who has been very influential in my life even though he has been gone for a while.

His version (or at least as I remember it):

Ladies and gentlemen, hoboes and tramps,
Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged ants,

I stand before you not behind you
To address you not to undress you
And to tell you something I know nothing about.

George washing machine crossed that muddy sloppy river
With the declaration of indigestion in one hand
And a half peeled star speckled banana in the other

Admission is free, so pay at the door,
Pull up a seat and sit on the floor.

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